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Software Development
Software Development
Software Development
Software Development
Cloud Computing for Multi Area Adequacy Assessment
  One of the methods to assess adequacy for multi area power system is Monte-Carlo simulation. Simulation methods assess the reliability indices by simulating processes in power system taking into account their probabilistic nature. Accuracy of calculated indices highly depends on number of performed simulations. Each simulation is independent and could be performed in concurrent fashion. To achieve maximum speedup of analysis process hardware with large-scale parallelisation should be used. One of the ways to obtain access to computational resources is usage of cloud computing.

  Usage of cloud computing allows to deliver computing and/or storage capacity to community of end-users. Each user should be equipped with so called "thin client" software application. Interrcommunication of analysis module and end-user application is based on client-server model where client is responsable for initial data preparation and request starting. Server in turn should process incoming requests, perform analysis using initial data and send result back to the client. Finally client represents results to the end-user.

  To implement client-server model for multi area adequacy assessment Java computer language has been used for both client code and server code. Client software has been implemented as java applet, embedded into html page. To transmit data onto server side and back xml messages has been used. Usage of java applet is possible within all modern operating systems and platforms. Everything is need is web browser with java plugin and version of java virtual machine not older than 1.7.0. After downloading it is necessary to grant access for applet launch.

  Test version of java applet is available here: multi area adequacy assessment. It is important to notice that test version of applet is limited with 6-nodes power system test case. Most of the input parameters is constrained as topology of system itself. Exemplary of java applet is presented on figure.

Adequacy java-applet

  As result of usage of cloud computing for multi area adequacy assessment it is possible to conclude that usage of such technology leads to simplification of requirements to end-user computer hardware, prevent from construction of complex computational centers at the side of the customer. All that leads to reducing of cost for maintenance and control.

Syktyvkar 2025